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Google To Remove Generic Rich Results Filter From Performance Report in Search Console

Writer's picture: Nicole McCormickNicole McCormick

It’s official – Google will be removing the generic rich results filter from the search appearance section in the Search Console‘s performance report.

So, what does this mean for you? Essentially, you won’t have the ability to see how your rich results are performing in an aggregate.

You might be wondering: Why remove it at all?

According to Google, the search engine decided to remove the filter because it already has breakout filters and reports for most individual rich results. Therefore, the generic rich results filter isn’t really necessary, and removing it won’t have much of an effect on reporting.

“Grouping data for rich results is not ideal, as each type may have a significantly different behaviour. Therefore we decided to sunset the Rich result search appearance,” said Google.

When Will It Be Removed?

For those who are disappointed by the news, the filter will still be around for a little while longer. Google has said that the filter will be removed on August 1, from within the Google Search Console interface and API.

After the filter is removed from Search Console in August, you won’t be able to see a search appearance filter for “rich results” anymore.

You also will not be able to report on that generic type. What you will see are specific rich result types under the search appearance filter that your site qualifies for.

H2: Will This Affect My Rankings?

No! Google has clearly stated that this reporting change will not have any impact on your rankings or site traffic.

“The removal of the search appearance does not affect your traffic in any way; it is only a reporting change.”

So, there you have it. Happy reporting!

